FaxTalk Developer Program

What is the FaxTalk Developer Program?

Thought Communications created the FaxTalk Developer Program to assist hardware and software developers and integrators in incorporating fax capabilities into their products and services using the FaxTalk software. To assist developers and integrators with the ability to programmatically access the FaxTalk software Thought Communications provides the FaxTalk Software Development Kit (SDK).

What is the FaxTalk Software Development Kit (FaxTalk SDK)

The FaxTalk Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set of tools and programming interfaces (APIs) which employ Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM) technology. Software developers and integrators can use the FaxTalk SDK to extend the functionality of their software by incorporating automated access to FaxTalk fax functionality. The FaxTalk SDK provides interfaces that allow client applications to send faxes using the FaxTalk send functionality normally available only through the FaxTalk Send a Fax dialog.The FaxTalk SDK assumes that the software developer or integrators has a working knowledge of Microsoft Win32 APIs as well as a basic knowledge of Microsoft COM.

FaxTalk SDK Documentation

Documentation regarding the programming interfaces (APIs) provided in the FaxTalk SDK is included with the FaxTalk SDK files that are installed with the FaxTalk software or the documentation can be downloaded separately here.

Getting Started with the FaxTalk SDK

In order to get started using the FaxTalk SDK you will need a copy of the FaxTalk software (either a purchased or trial version). The FaxTalk SDK is included with the FaxTalk software and can be found in the SDK folder that is located in the folder where the software has been installed. The FaxTalk SDK also includes a sample client application created with Microsoft .NET and demonstrates the capabilities of the FaxTalk SDK.

Trial versions of the FaxTalk software (which include the FaxTalk SDK) can be downloaded here.